Ranch Rules
Safety First
Animals and farms are great fun and very educational – but you must be careful and follow all the safety rules which the staff will explain to you when you arrive, and remember to wash your hands after petting the animals!!
We at TOY STORY RANCH have carefully hand selected friendly, sociable animals to ensure a fun, educational and worry free atmosphere. Our play-areas meet high safety standards to allow parents, guardians and teachers to relax in the knowledge that children are having fun in a secure environment.
Here are our ranch rules to ensure your safety at all times!
Ranch Rules
1.Always wash hands after feeding the animals
2.Children must be supervised by an adult at all times while on the farm and play areas
3.No climbing on gates or walls
4.Keep your hand flat when feeding animals
5.Do not feed your food to animals!
6.NO food or drink is to be brought into the animal contact area.
7.All garbage and litter must either be deposited in containers provided, or taken with you when you leave.
8.Obey any restrictions on fires. Fires may be limited or prohibited at certain times and only be in fire rings.
9.Do not carve, chop, cut and damage any live trees.
10.Do not use of fireworks or other explosives within property.
11. Non smoking at all area.
12.Pets (except guide dogs) are not allowed in property.
13.Vehicles must be parked in designated areas only.
14.Most of all have a great day!!